2024 Angel Tree for Chattanooga Room in the Inn
Do you want to give back this holiday season? Visit the Angel Tree at Infinity Flux!
Stop by the shop, take a tag, & sign up to be a holiday hero this year! This year's Angel Tree is focused on pre-teens and teens currently being served by Chattanooga Room in the Inn.
The shelter is blessed to have enough gifts for younger kids at the shelter, but they are in need of items for this sometimes-overlooked group. You'll find gifts suggested by the charity hanging from our tree. Or, if you can't make it by before you shop, take a look at the list below for items suggested by CRITI.

- Cologne or body spray
- Lip Gloss
- Flatirons/curling irons
- Purse
- Adult backpack
- Movie theatre tickets
- Hair Scrunches
- Fast food gift cards
- Headphones
- Ear buds
- Nail polish
- Eyeshadow palettes
- Amazon gift cards
- Basketball
- Football
- Men's socks
- Earrings, necklaces or bracelets
Please drop off unwrapped donations by Monday, December 16 at the front counters of Infinity Flux. Feel free to email us with any questions. Thank you for being someone's angel this year!
About Chattanooga Room in the Inn
Chattanooga Room in the Inn (CRITI) offers a six-month residential program for women and children experiencing homelessness. Women and children coming into our program may stay at our facility, free of charge, for up to six months while they rebuild their lives in five major focus areas: Health, Housing, Finances, Family, and Career.