It's the 1950s: Truman is in the White House, television sets are coming to every American household...and the Justice Society of America is in an all-out war against the cosmos!
Living constellations have descended on the Earth in the form of terrifying glowing titans. The Flash, Black Canary, Hawkman, and Green Lantern fight to keep the destruction to a minimum while, unbeknownst to them, Starman has already been taken prisoner.
Who has summonded the colossal star-being's and why? And what is their connection to TV, the nation's new favorite pasttime?
In these stories set at the close of the Golden Age, Len Strazewski pits the Justice Society against their greatest foes, with art from Grant Miehm, Mike Parobeck, Tom Artis, and Rick Burchett. Collects the full eight-issue Justice Society of America miniseries (1991) along with two bonus JSA stories from Adventure Comics #466 (1979) and All-Star Comics #57 (1951).
Living constellations have descended on the Earth in the form of terrifying glowing titans. The Flash, Black Canary, Hawkman, and Green Lantern fight to keep the destruction to a minimum while, unbeknownst to them, Starman has already been taken prisoner.
Who has summonded the colossal star-being's and why? And what is their connection to TV, the nation's new favorite pasttime?
In these stories set at the close of the Golden Age, Len Strazewski pits the Justice Society against their greatest foes, with art from Grant Miehm, Mike Parobeck, Tom Artis, and Rick Burchett. Collects the full eight-issue Justice Society of America miniseries (1991) along with two bonus JSA stories from Adventure Comics #466 (1979) and All-Star Comics #57 (1951).